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Building critical skills for employee development through HR practices

Building critical skills for employee development through HR practices 

In 2021, companies are beginning to better assess the manner in which they select and develop their employees and practices. According to an article from, the top priority for HR professionals this year should be building skills and developing their employees.

This should come as no surprise considering the skills required for jobs are changing rapidly. Gartner’s research tells them that the skills needed in 2017 for a position, will not be needed in 2021. Such a rapid change in the workplace and skill development further demonstrates the need for HR professionals to aid the development of employee skills.

One barrier in the way of skill development is teaching skills that employees will never use. As the fast-paced changing of skills will only increase, how will companies and HR professionals successfully implement professional development?

Gartner was able to narrow it down to three key metrics for HR professionals to focus on:
  1. Sense shifting skills in real-time
  2. Develop skills at the time of need
  3. Enable employees to make skill decisions dynamically 
Integrity HR is here to help support you as you address skill development in your organization. If you are interested in discussing, please do not hesitate to reach out to Human Resources.

For more information, read both articles from at and
